Six Facts of Me

Want to know more about me, read 6 facts of me :
  1. I have excessive fear to the flight, as the consequence, I prefer taking a trip by bus even though it will take long time to get arrived.
  2. My proper boss said that I look like Shah Rukh Khan (Indian actor), but I think I am a twin brother of Leonardo Dicaprio (see the pic above)
  3. I had a new hobby since September 2007. It is blogging and internet marketing.
  4. When I was in junior high school, I bought two books title "Learning Hypnotic" and "Become Kung Fu Master.
  5. I can not swim. I have ever taken swimming class, but I quit because most of the students were less than 7 years old.
  6. I prefer watching action movie (Kung Fu / Samurai) and comedy movie than futuristic movie (Start Trek, Matrix, etc).