Kuto Besak Fort is located in South Sumatra near Musi River and Ampera Bridge. The building is the only fort made of stone wall and fulfills all requirements for a good fort. It was also built using own money for defense system against European enemy and because of that, the fort was not named with a European hero name like other forts in Indonesia.
The dimension of Kuto Besak Fort is 288.75 (mL) x 1183.75 (mW) x 9.99 (mH) x 1.99 (mT) and was built for 17 years long, started from 1780 and occupied officially on Monday 21st February 1797.
The idea to build this fort came from Sultan Mahmud Badarudin I (1724 – 1758). It was built by Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin and a Chinese was assigned as constructor. The fort is made of stone and cement (that consist of stone and sea shell powder) as additional component they use white part of eggs, boiling bones, and calf.
See the picture here.